
16 Channel PWM Servo Driver Module Shield

You want to make a cool robot, maybe a hexapod walker, or maybe just a piece of art with a lot of moving parts. Or maybe you want to drive a lot of LEDs with precise PWM output. Then you realize that your microcontroller has a limited number of PWM outputs! Here is the Servo Driver Module Shield 16 Channel to help you out!!!

What now? You could give up OR you could just get our handy PWM and Servo driver shield. Its now Arduino-ready and works with any Arduino that uses shields: Uno, Mega, ADK, its all good.

Features :

  1. The I2C input, PWM output control 16 roads, steering gear can 16 roads.
  2. The steering gear power independent V + input maximum 6 V.
  3. Logic signals and logical power independent output for 3V to 5 V.
  4. 40-1000 Hz frequency.
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